Friday, October 22, 2010

NANO - Not!

I've been writing furiously this week and hoped to write "the end" by Sunday.

Then I have to catch up on all the things I let slide. Oh to live a life where the only thing I had to do was write.

Will be skipping NANO this year in favor of preparing my GH entry. Trying to put all the second guessing on the entry in a lock-box in my shed in the backyard so it doesn't stop me from moving forward.

Somehow Balance went out the window this week and many other things on the to-do list were left undone. It's a beautiful time of year and the leaves are changing colours so I need to make time to get a walk in everyday.

Are you doing NANO this year? Have you done it in the past? What have you done with previous NANO projects? Revised and submitted?


Janet said...

Keep writing, Anne - the other stuff on the "To Do" list will still be there when you get finished.

The fall colors are amazing - going to try and get some pics before this wind blows all the leaves off the trees. Enjoy your walks.

Seriously thinking of NaNo - just need to do some adjusting to my schedule and some preparation. Good luck with the GH entry - and use a serious lock on that garden shed of self-doubt!!

Rachael Johns said...

I've only been successful at NAno once and LOVED it. Would love to do it again but too much happening at the moment in my life. Maybe next year.
Good luck with the GH!

Unknown said...

Thanks Janet, trying not to over think the ending and yes, everything will still be there once I'm finished.

Unknown said...

Thanks Rachael. Yes, if only life would stop so we could write all the time.

Jennie Marsland said...

Congrats on being so near the end, Anne. As for NaNo, I did it once a couple of years ago and managed to write 50000 words on McShannon's Heart, but ended up using very little of it. I don't think there's any way I can find time this year. I think I do better work when I take my time.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'm definitely doing NaNo. In fact, I'm just finishing the final version of my vampire story which is the result of two different NaNo's. And I know several writers who sold their NaNo stories!

Personally, I find the process pulls a different kind of writing from me that would never happen if I wasn't trying to fill word count. It gets very stream-of-consciousness and gives me insight into my characters that I never would obtain otherwise. So I can't wait for this year!

So exciting to hear you're thisclose to The End, Anne!

Unknown said...

Good luck on getting your GH entry ready. I'm passing on NaNo this year as well. Makes me sad because I had a ball writing last year.

I struggle to find balance. I spent Saturday cleaning and Sunday being a bum on the couch watching football and bull riding. No writing or reading. I needed a break.

Unknown said...

I think you have do to what's right for you. Going for the GH is huge! I'm doing Nano, but I have no delusions about getting to 50K - my goal is to try and finish the first pass of my current WIP, or get as close to it as possible. It also gives me the excuse to try and bump up my writing time for a month or so. That's my goal really with Nano this year.

Unknown said...

Julia, sounds like you are psyched for NANO this year. Good Luck

Unknown said...

Jennie, it's nice to try out different processes and then stick with the one that works for you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Cat. Sometimes we just need a break.

Unknown said...

Michelle, hope you get lots done during NANO. Maybe you'll surprise yourself!