Thursday, February 3, 2011


Finally sent the first chapter of Secrets, Lies and Silk Sheets to my critique partners last night. After I shoveled the early "light" snow but before I shoveled the "big" snow. This was the scene outside my house yesterday morning before the BIG snow fall

I've found it difficult to focus the last couple of weeks and every time the words became difficult I found myself wasting time on the internet - or getting a snack.

I didn't enter the SYTYCW contest but I had to check eharlequin every half hour to get updates. What's with that? And some of the responses still haven't been received because of editor illness, snow days, etc. That would drive me nuts worrying about whether they received my entry and if the wait beyond the deadline was a good thing or a bad thing.

So, in order to focus better I've made some changes.

First: Diet. Back to eliminating the sugar and processed foods from my diet, hoping this will help my energy levels.

Second: Exercise. The one good thing about the snow, it's forcing me to exercise - about three hours in the last twenty-four hours. But the fresh air and oxygen have helped my concentration.

Third: Organization. My messy desk and overflowing bookcases and night table are making me feel distracted so I need to clean them up

Fourth ( and I think this will be the hardest) Limit Internet Use. It seems I spend a lot of time reading email loops, visiting blogs etc. I really try to be supportive of my fellow writers but I just find I'm overwhelmed with the twitter, facebook, loops and blogs. So, I'm cutting it all back and putting myself on an Internet Diet. During the day, I'll be limiting myself to two 1/2 hr sessions - first thing in the morning and during an afternoon break. In the evening, once ALL my writing and other work has been completed - which usually takes me well past 9 or 10pm, I can surf the net. Since that's also my reading time, I'll be sure to limit it to a reasonable time. Because I'm a girl who has to have her beauty sleep.

Oh yes, and update on those morning papers? Really bad at it. But will try again once I get my writing back on track.


Janet said...

Looks like you have a plan, Anne - all good things come with planning.

And I hear you on the Internet thing - 'they' say to make yourself known, promote yourself; but the time it takes is amazing. Just keeping up with all the blogging shaves hours off my day (reading, writing, commenting - and I only comment on a few, had to stop the practice of commenting on everyone's). I do Facebook first thing in the morning - in and out in 10 minutes flat. And thank goodness I haven't gotten into Twitter!

If only all that web stuff could count as exercise, eh?

Good luck with your focus and moving forward with your plan :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Managing Internet time is just as important as actually forcing yourself to write, but giving yourself finite time periods is an excellent plan. I do that, and whatever doesn't happen during that time, doesn't happen.

Unknown said...

Oh, good for you! If I could cut down on the internet and sugar I would be a more productive, slimmer me, I know.

Isn't the SYTYCW contest a killer? I feel horrible for all those still waiting. Especially when a couple just received form R's. Who wants to wait that long for nothing?

Hope your writing goes gangbusters with your new plan!

Unknown said...

The internet is the biggest time suck ever invented (and I love the internet...). Good luck with it! I think getting outside and clearing your head and your desk is a great idea. I have to get out, even if it's just for 10 minutes or my mental health suffers. Reading this has inspired me to clean up my desk at work - what a mess that is! Reflects on my state of being there I guess:)