Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Camper

It arrived!! Isn't it beautiful?

I can't wait to start writing on it. The Purolator truck showed up just after lunch - I wanted to kiss him.

I spent the afternoon getting it all configured, loading in MS Office and transferring my files for my NaNo book. I said I wasn't going to connect to the internet but I had to for some updates and registrations.

My youngest arrived home and I let her play on it while I charged up the cordless mouse and checked out what all the other gadgets were for. Then my oldest came home and she spent some time on it. They couldn't get used to the pad and wanted to use the mouse. They were stunned when I told them fifteen years ago, we didn't have a mouse with the computer, we used the arrow and functions keys.

I've come up with a title for my book, Shattered.

The first chapter opens with a hostage taking in a jewelry store. That's the scene I wrote 7 pgs on this morning. It will need some fleshing out and a bit of work to make the logistics of the scene work but that will come with the next draft.

I'll spend sometime tonight thinking about the scene I want to write tomorrow. After staying up until 2am reading last night, I'm tired now so it won't be a late night. I'll need to be up early, I made plans to go out tomorrow morning with my Mom before I realized it was Day 2 of NaNo. So, I'll be up with my fellow NaNoer's greeting Day 2 before the sun comes up.

1 comment:

Kelly Boyce said...

I LOVE that title! Glad you're enjoying the shiney new laptop! And the opening scene for your book sounds great!