Friday, December 14, 2007

The Writing Bug

I have a tight writing schedule over the next two months and Christmas is interfering with getting it all done. Do you think my kids would mind if we just skipped it all this year?

Hmm. That would probably get me the Bad Mommy of the year award.

I've even put off getting groceries and now we're down to the last few slices of bread so I really need to get there tonight or my kids will be staging a protest.

These are my goals:

Complete Revisions on An Unsuitable Mistress by Jan 10th - about 150 pgs left
Enter two chapters/syns in the Presents contest by Jan 30th- 10,000 words (deadline Feb 14)
Enter Shattered into Daphne Contest by Feb 28th - 15 pgs + 1 pg syn (deadline March 15)
Complete Front Page Affair by March 30th - 25,000 words?

I'm also presenting the first education session of the New Year for our RWA chapter and I need to get back into the gym.



Kelly Boyce said...

I think that list qualifies as a work out in itself. Good luck with everything!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

LOL! Coming from Kelly, that's saying something!