I can't believe it's been three weeks since I blogged. June is a busy month with teenagers in the house. And I forget about all the yard work and how enticing it is to be outside in the beautiful spring weather. Although the last week has been nothing but rain - lots of rain. With incredible humidity that makes you sweat with the least little activity.
My rhododendrons loved the rain - very colourful blooms until the torrential downpours and wind whipped all the flowers to pieces. The picture shows what they look like this morning - a little ragged and wilted. My lawn mower died last week but it hasn't stopped raining long enough for me to need to buy a new one.
My youngest daughter is joining my oldest at the part time job for the summer. They have crazy, different schedules which makes it hard for me to plan the writing time. I've been getting up earlier in the morning to get some writing in and that's been working so far.
The rewrites for Unsuitable are coming along slowly. My critique partners really like where it's going and my Success Team suggested giving myself the finished MS as a birthday present on July 29th. Very doable so that's my goal. Still need to smother my inner critic though.
One of my crit partner has decided to take a step back and take the summer off. Reevaluate her writing and lack of success after so many years of trying. I feel sad. She's been a part of my writing life since I started this journey. I don't know if I can explain how I felt when I first met with a group of writers almost ten years ago who would become our local RWA chapter. I felt like I had come home. These funny, smart, interesting women became a part of my life. We didn't just talk about writing but about dreams, kids, careers, men, etc. And many of them have moved on or away and I feel the passing of a special era in my life.
As you can see by the ticker on the side the weight is coming off slowly but surely. I'm back at WW with a friend. Making a commitment to her to be there each week has made the difference. Last week I knew I hadn't lost much weight which would usually mean I'd skip the meeting - then the slide into going off WW completely would start once again. But, having a buddy to answer to made me go. I did lose a little weight, got motivated to keep on and lost a tiny bit more weight this week. When I say "slowly" I mean "slowly." It's getting too hot to keep up with my outside walks so it's back to the gym. Don't like it as much but at least it's air conditioned.
The slower the weight comes off the longer it stays off! Working out with a buddy definitely keeps me motivated. Good luck with the revisions. Can't wait for our next Success Meeting! Meeting with you guys keeps me focused on what I need to get done which is really helpful.
I'm hoping that's true about the weight. Every time I lose, I tell myself I'm going to keep it off this time.
The Success Team really helps to keep me focused not just on the writing but on the other things as well.
I think the universe must require balance because the weight that's coming off you seems to be piling on me.
I'm glad to hear you're happy with your rewrite. Slow but steady is usually better in the long run.
Cat, I do think weight doesn't just disappear it floats around the universe looking for a place to land. I have two sisters and we share the same extra thirty lbs. When one of us loses another one gains.
I'm still not achieving everything I want to (yet) but am doing a lot more than I would have pre-Success Team. It's definitely kept me motivated to improve myself all around.
You're doing awesome -- writing and weight-wise. Keep 'er going! :-)
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