Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer of Writing

I christened July and Aug, 2o1o The Summer of Writing.

The summer where I turn into a junior Nora and write three MS over two months? The summer where I slough off the procrastination and perfectionism and actually write more than 42 words in three hours? Well, so far the Summer of Writing has turned into the Summer of Complaining about the weather - a Maritimer's favourite sport. It's HOT! and HUMID!

It's like July hit and I turned back into a student and the brain decided to take a vacation. I stayed up really late reading last night and had to drag myself out of bed this morning. Not good. Now I'm hot and tired.

Okay, now I've got that off my chest I can pull up the WIP and get started. Here's a quote from Louise Penny, a fabulous mystery writing from Quebec, that I have on my digital sticky note on my desk top:

First - finish the book. Most people who start books never finish them. Don't be one of those. Do it, for God's sake. You have nothing to fear - it won't kill you. It won't even bite you. This is your dream - this is your chance. You sure don't want to be lying on your death bed regretting you didn't finish the book.                LOUISE PENNY

Do you find the seasons effect your ability to focus? Does the hot weather take you back to your childhood where it was all about lazy days, swimming at the lake and reading late into the night? Sigh, doesn't that sound like heaven?


Unknown said...

LOL! Love the quote. Sort of like Nike's "Just Do It."

Generally it isn't the nice weather that distracts me. I'm more bothered by the internet and the latest and greatest new TV shows. Amd then there's all those pesky questions about the book that's out on submission. Has it been sucked into the black hole of publishing and jettisoned into an alternate universe? Maybe I'm published in a different dimension. Sigh.

Good luck with you WIP. And it really won't bite you. Drive you crazy, maybe...

Janet said...

Isn't the heat marvelous, Anne? I feel like I'm back on the prairies - basking in sunshine and hot, hot temps. Only thing different is the high humidity, but I'm not complaining (hey, it could be raining).

I did the student thing - loved summer holidays for all those reasos you listed (especially the summer reading, reading and more reading). Then, I became a teacher. Woo Hoo, more summer holidays. Now that I have to work in the summer - yeah, bummed!

And I just can't find any enthusiasm to write - which doesn't bode well since the next instalment of Mickey Spencer is to be posted tonight. And I'm blog-hopping.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

This just confirms how odd I am. All of this lovely weather actually puts me in the mood to tidy up my indoor clutter. What's up with that?

But I like your Summer of Writing, Anne - definitely describes 2010 for me. I've actually been getting somewhere!

Unknown said...

Cat, the internet is a big time suck for me, too.

Unknown said...

Janet, hope you find your enthusiasm soon. The rain is supposed to start tomorrow so maybe I'll feel more like a writer.

Unknown said...

Julia, glad the summer weather is working for you. Hope it's a big summer of accomplishments.

Unknown said...

I love the "summer of writing" but unless the job disappears and my kids are elsewhere all day, it won't happen. I find I want to right as an antidote to work, regardless of the weather, but I'd rather do it outside. My brain does want to shut down a bit...I really want to just stop everything and plow through a bunch of books on a desk with a pitcher of ice tea. One is just as much a fantasy as the other...

Unknown said...

Michelle, when my girls were younger, summer writing just never happened. Actually, forget about reading her writing. I could've used the time to sleep.

Hopefully as your boys get older, it will get a little easier.

Jennie Marsland said...

Yes, finishing is the kicker, isn't it, Anne? There are times when I'll even do housework to avoid tackling a writing problem! And the weather doesn't help.

I can see why they call these the dog days. Echo and Chance are as lazy as I am. Sometimes I think a pampered dog's life isn't so bad after all.

Unknown said...

Yes, those pampered dogs sure have the life, don't they? We don't have a dog but one of my daughter's desperately wants one and I feel myself weakening.