Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mission: Finish The Book

I have about 30 pgs to write until I reach THE END! And if the universe cooperates, the upcoming week will run more smoothly than last. It started out with a sick kid and went down hill from there. I know we all have our challenges and road blocks but I find it difficult to write in the face of family concerns.

I fret.

I know it's a waste of time and most often I can do nothing about those things I fret about.

Jacqueyn Mitchard, author of Deep End of the Ocean, as well as children's and YA books, wrote her first novel after her husband died, leaving her a young mother of four without financial means. And that's only one of many tragedies that have touched her life. She says you must write even through the despair. I wonder if I can teach myself to do that or is it the kind of strength you are born with?

Can you write when things are tense or you're worried and stressed?


Janet said...

No! I totally understand your not writing while your child is sick. In stressed or worrying situations, my mind is too keyed up to think straight (and often, the writing reflects that - just as it reflects darkness when I'm in a dark mood). My coping strategy for stress is to sleep - and you can't write if you're sleeping!

Good luck with those last 30 pages, Anne. Hope the Universe cooperates :)

Unknown said...

Janet, I've heard a lot of people sleep when they're stressed. I had a room mate who did that.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I definitely can't write when I'm in the grip of a migraine. No amount of willpower can coax anything out of my brain when it's having solar flare pain storms. So I let myself off the hook and get back to it when I'm functional again.

Is it a bad thing to take your mothering seriously? I think not.

Unknown said...

It depends on the sort of stress. If someone you love isn't doing well, it's hard to concentrate on anything but them. But some sorts of stress and many types of worrying are better off buried beneath a mountain of creativity.

Good luck getting your book finished. I'm excited to hear you sent it off!!

Jennie Marsland said...

I don't think many of us can write when we're stressed, Anne. I know I can't. Good luck with finishing up, and don't forget to celebrate when you're done!

Kelly Boyce said...

I find a lot of the time writing is a good escape from all the crap. It might take me a day or two of fretting (if its a big thing) to settle back into the routine, but I usually do. Writing is my normal, so having that bit of normal in the face of a tough situation helps.