Friday, November 5, 2010


I've tried to keep up with Harlequin's SYTYCW. But, somewhere around 4pm Monday it totally got away from me and I've been playing catch up ever since. I sent in my opening page for the Day 1 challenge, promptly got ill with a stomach virus which wiped out a couple of days. Add in two dentist appointments for each of my daughters and well, there you have it, I'm still reading Tuesdays posts.

The rain and wind are wild and woolly outside, as you can see from the picture taken out my dining room window, so it's a great day to be in the house but it seems I'm so far behind on everything it was noon today before I pulled out Ch2 of my Desire submission. I thought Chapter two was a winner but one of my Crit partners (the published Desire author) thought I needed more emotion - lots more emotion. Since the scene is in the Hero's POV, all I really know he's thinking is "she's hot let's just do it." I think I've managed to add a little more of the softer side.

The final challenge for SYTYCW, the one I've been waiting for, is a first chapter email submission for one of the Harlequin Lines due by Dec 15. All submissions will receive a response by Jan 31st. My only problem is deciding between story ideas for Desire, Presents, Intrigue or Super Romance.

Did you follow SYTYCW? Did you enter any of the challenges? And do you plan to enter the first chapter challenge?


Janet said...

No to all of the above - but I have my fingers crossed for you, Anne (you know, when you get to deciding what you're sending in :)

And I happen to love a hero who thinks "she's hot let's just do it." I believe most of heroes are built from that same cloth. I mean, really - real life men don't do emotion.

Hope you're feeling better :)

Unknown said...

Yes, I have a difficult time with having my alpha males be emotional.

And thanks, Janet. I am feeling better.

Unknown said...

I tried to keep up, but it moved at a lightning pace. Lots of good info. The critiques of first pages and query letters was informative. I downloaded the podcasts to listen to this week.

Good luck with your Desire ch 2. I've had similar problems before. In the beginning, sometimes lust is all there is.

What an awesome opportunity with the first chapter submission. Pick whichever is strongest.

Unknown said...

Cat, I just read on an eharl thread that the MS has to be finished. They didn't put that in the rules so I'm not sure what I'll do. If the MS has to be finished I might as well just go the proposal route. That way I can send three chapters.

Unknown said...

I have almost the opposite problem - I can get more into my hero's emotions than my heroines sometimes. Of course, the heros often try to bury their feelings, pay attention to the physical. Actually, I think the evolution of those emotions are the heart of the story for me, so it's okay if the emotion is there, but only hinted at in Chapter 2.

I haven't kept up with this - too much going on -- but I am interested in the podcasts so I hope they are archiving them somewhere!

Best of luck which ever way you go Anne!