Sunday, April 3, 2011

86 Days

86 Days until the RWA conference in New York. What can you do in 86 days?

582 words a day = 50,000 words = short contemporary
1,164 words a day = 100,000 words = single title

1lb week for 12 weeks = 12 lbs

I'm currently working on a Presents, hoping to have it completed and a proposal sent to the London office well before the conference. I also plan to have at least half of a Desire finished by the time conference rolls around so I have something to pitch. Crossing my fingers for an editor appointment with one of the Desire editors. I want to finish up my website this week and start thinking about business cards. I start a digital design class next month so I'm hoping to hold off so I can design them myself.

I'm trying to find a convenient walking club so I can ditch the gym which I've grown to dislike after ten years and still get the motivation I need to exercise. But I'm not having much luck. Might have to start one of my own.  How does one do that?

What's on your agenda for the next three months before the hot weather hits and the kids are out of school?


Janet said...

Hmm, trying to e-mail you, Anne (I thought I had your e-mail address), but you don't have a link on your profile.

Don't know if you read this blog, but I thought of you when I read it this morning:

Submission Call

Hopefully that link works :)

Unknown said...

Hi Anne - working on editing right now, and hoping to have a polished manuscript in the back and starting on a second one by June. Here's hoping.

I have a dog - she's my walking club, since I've found relying on just myself or others is hard, especially when people are further away. I find after being with people all day I appreciate the solitude. I love walking - does wonders for my writing. Hope you can find something that works for you!