Monday, October 4, 2010

Filling the Well

I have many things to do this week and the sun is shining, calling my name and making me feel like playing hooky.
Went to the colorful and fun Scarecrow Festival in Mahone Bay with my sister visiting from Toronto - and my other sister and mom.

An opportunity to fill that creative well.

I took pictures of where they find the body and where the victim works in the mystery I plan to write set in this little town.

And I ate cheesecake.

Today I'll be getting in a brisk walk to shake some of the cobwebs off.

I'm working on pages for my critique group and trying to find my ambition for finishing the book.

Okay that's coming too close to a whine so I better sign off and find my positive attitude.

How do you fill the creative well?


Rachael Johns said...

A scarecrow festival sounds very intriguing!!!!! I fill the well by reading, cos I don't do nearly enough of it at the moment :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

How nice! I just went to a Scarecrow festival in New Hope Pa a few weeks ago. Loved it!

Unknown said...

Rachael, reading inspires me, too.

Jennifer, OOh! I'd love to go to the one in Pa some day.

Jennie Marsland said...

Great pictures, Anne! As for filling the well, Getting out and about helps. On Friday afternoon I took my ESL class to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and got some great inspitation for Shattered.

Unknown said...

Jenny, I love that place!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great day. Loved the line that follows the bit about where you're going to find the body..."And then I ate cheesecake" better show up in the book:)

Reading, watching great movies and listening to music while I'm walking - the last one is how I 'write' when I can't write. Not that interesting I suppose, but it works for me.

Unknown said...

I do a lot of brainstorming when I walk, Michelle, not so much the music. Glad it works for you.